1. Did the program meet your expectations?Agree
2. What was your favorite experience or moment of the program?Panel discussion & Q & A
3. How likely would you be to attend our programs in the future?Very likely
4. What would have made this program better?Audience should participation in asking questions.
5. What topics would you like to hear more about at future events?How to erase the stereotypes, myths, & lies that identify & define people of color.
6. Are you interested in staying in touch with us for follow-up on the results of this program and for information on future programs? If so, please provide your best contact information?I’m good… I’m a honeydew 😂
7. Please share any additional comments or thoughts on the program as a whole.Panelist should understand their audience, in terms of teenagers. To minimize boredom, the vernacular needs to relate to their presence.